The Discipline Trap

The Discipline Trap

The idea that discipline will bring you freedom is absurd. I saw it on a bumper sticker a few weeks ago ad now I see it everywhere. Before I explain and set you on a better path to freedom, let’s define freedom first. From Webster: freedom is the “absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action”. To put it differently and take it a little deeper, true freedom lies in being fully present and letting go of the past and future. In other words, true freedom is not found in external circumstances, but rather in one’s internal circumstances. Don’t get me wrong, discipline got me through SEAL training and paid for my house, but it’s far too limiting to put all of your chips on it - it can never bring you freedom. Freedom isn’t having a private jet - freedom is having your private jet stolen and still feeling good about life. Let’s discuss.

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